We have a lot of new users coming and going. Some volunteers and temporary workers as well. It got a...
Continue reading...Membership Benefits Redemptions and Entitlements: System and Structure in SalesforceNPSP – Walkthrough
By: Laurie NPSP can do ANYTHING you want it to (mostly). It is because of this that out of the...
Continue reading...Nested IF with AND statements in Salesforce to create badges
Ran into a request to create a formula field which would display a giving society badge or image on a...
Continue reading...Locked Shared records with missing Gitlab-Runner
I ran into this problem during my first CI/CD functional testing using our GitLab environment. At some point, the system...
Continue reading...MacBook Environment Setup for Packer using Ansible Remote
So I am late to the Packer party for my organization. I have been watching the products that came out...
Continue reading...#PGHLittleHack – June 2019
As we bid farewell to our old space, it’s been such a pleasure to have others in the #vCommunity offer...
Continue reading...PGHVMUG Usercon – BIG #PGHLittleHack
The #PGHLittleHackers are hosting a BIG hack event on May 22, 2019. Starting at 6:00 pm the night before the...
Continue reading...PGH LittleHack 1.5
Since I suck at a timely post for this community event, it was strongly suggested by some special friends that...
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